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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company Village Gourmet okay and they're Currently looking for a sales Administration manager so this job is Remote but if you do live in New York You will be working hybrid if you're Outside of New York you may have Occasional travel to their headquarters For meetings and things like that okay So we're gonna go ahead and get into the Details this job does have some pretty Decent pay so let's talk about the pay First this shop is going to pay between 70 and 80k of course that's based on Experience and qualifications and with This job right here you're going to be Providing support across the field sales Organization to include customer setup Contract completion and submission You're going to record new account Information and maintain sales Documentation applications and tools and You're going to assist in the Development and maintain National price List across all brands and you're going To be responsible for oversight and Maintenance of intern Journal platforms Such as shelf space and range me and You're going to offer technical

Assistance to the field sales team You're going to also assist with Customer planning to include forecasting And budgeting and support with financial Reconciliation you're going to master In-depth knowledge of the company Services and line of products and help Find Direct and qualify customer leads And you will provide support with sample Orders and execution of shipments and Provide customer support with complaints Technical issues and assist the sales Team as needed to help customers and Make sales you will compile and complete Weekly internal reports against Performance initiatives and assistance Needed throughout the process of RFP Completion for potential customers and You're going to also help with item Assortment SKU optimization within Existing customers and support the field Sales with retailer internal portals Okay so they would like for you to have A bachelor's degree with a major in Business related subjects that's Preferred three plus years of experience In a sales support role in food or cpg Industry and then strong communication Skills proficient with Microsoft Office Communicate effectively work Collaboratively you will be working Monday through Friday from 8 30 a.m to 5 30 pm and you will get benefits with This job as well and of course if you

Guys are interested in applying you can Check out that link in the description Bar make sure to leave any questions or Comments below and as usual I appreciate You guys so much for watching I'll see You in my next video and good luck to Everyone who applies for the job

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