$80,000 YEARLY Pay! No DEGREE! Saturday-Wednesday Full Time Work From Home Job

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[Music] Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company charter up and they're currently Looking for a weekend customer success Account manager to work full time in the US so just a little bit of information About Charter up they are an online Marketplace that connects customers to a Network of more than 600 bus operators From coast to coast and so with this job Right here according to Glassdoor this Job pays about 80k a year of course That's an estimate you will have to get The exact pay from the company but they Are looking for a smart caring customer Success manager to join their team with This job you're going to be handling Phone based High intent High Velocity Transactional inside leads there is no Cold calling involved and the role is an Entryway into their Enterprise sales Team which handles complex long lead Time sales okay so you're going to leave A refined knowledgeable and caring first Impression with all potential clients And encourage organizations and Individuals to book chartered bus Transportation on their platform you Will teach potential customers about the Amazing benefits of utilizing their

Technology and intimately understand Clients in their scope of work to build Out accurate trip quotes you will gain Exposure to a wide array of clients Industries and transportation scenarios And you will be an authority Source on The bus industry okay so you will need The ability to elicit trust from clients Through a professional tone in Impeccable manners also articulate and Concise communication style coupled with Great listening skills conscientious Approach to duties and responsibilities Relentless work ethic a passion for Charter UPS Mission and logical Foundation and extroverted and agreeable And creativity to handle never before Seen situations smoothly and for this Position you will be working Saturday Through Wednesday instead of Monday Through Friday and they also let you Know about their application process so You will have an initial video call with The talent acquisition team and a brief 12-minute online assessment and then the Next step you will be doing a Quantitative reasoning interview with The talent acquisition then a video call With the hiring manager and then you'll Get your offer background check and Reference check and then that's pretty Much it okay so I don't see anything About them asking if you have a degree With this job so that's pretty good and

Here's the application they do ask you Quite a few questions make sure you go Ahead and answer those in their entirety And of course if you guys are interested In applying you can check out the link In the description bar you guys know I Appreciate you so much for watching and I'll see you in my next video good luck To those of you who apply for the job

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