ACADEMY SPORTS Hiring Work From Home Job | Computer Equipment Provided | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I have an exciting work from home Job lead for you of course the links are Always in the YouTube description box Below this is a part-time work from home Job lead and it is only for select States those states are going to be Texas Georgia Alabama and Oklahoma but If you live in one of those four states The big sports store Academy Sports is Hiring a team member customer care and So this is just a basic part-time Customer service position you'll be Answering incoming customer contacts Through calls the chats and emails in a Professional manner you'll respond to Customer inquiries through multiple Channels as needed you'll research and Troubleshoot any problems that they're Having and provide resolutions while Using resources available to you you Also provide customers with product and Service information identify and Escalate any issues that are deemed Priority and you may have to reach back Out and follow up with customers when Necessary to make sure the solution Solved their problems of course and when Interacting with customers you'll Document all of your con contacts that You have with your customers and all the Information exchanged in the computer System so you'll develop an Understanding of Academy's policies

Procedures and all of that now they are Not requiring any kind of college degree Just a high school diploma or GED and Somebody who has six months experience And some kind of customer service Related role they also want somebody who Has strong written and verbal Communication skills someone who can be A problem solver someone who has great Typing or keyboarding skills who can be Self-motivated and proficient with using A computer application such as Google Chrome all of those things now best part About this all you have to have is Internet connection you can use cable DSL or Fiber but they are going to Provide all the computer equipment for You they're going to provide you with With a headset two monitors keyboard Mouse and a computer you do have to have A work atmosphere that's free from noise And background noise like children so The customers can hear you all right Please let me know down in the comments Below if you want me to continue sharing Opportunities like this that's only for Select States I want to be as helpful as I can to someone and if this might Benefit someone I decided to share but Let me know your thoughts down below Thank you so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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