Best Western Hotels Hiring $67,000 To $75,000 Year Remote Work From Home With No Degree Needed! USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you today's job lead Is from the Best Western's hotels and Resorts group and even though this is Going to require a little bit of phone Work it is not a call center customer Service job you will not be on the phone The entire time it does include other Types of job duties we are gonna dive All into it just know the link if you're Interested in applying is in the YouTube Description box below this video but Best Western is hiring a property Management systems account specialist Now this is remote for my United States Folks only don't let the job title Intimidate you even they even though They call it a property management Systems account specialist I like to Call it a customer happiness specialist They are looking for somebody to meet Regularly with customers by phone or Alternate communication methods such as Email chat text or virtual like FaceTime Type meeting things to ensure that the Customers are consistently satisfied With Best Western's products and Services and if they have any issues That they get escalated and resolved in A timely manner you're going to ensure Customer satisfaction by facilitating Positive long-term loyal relationships With those customers you'll be talking

To them and evaluating their needs and Proposed potential Solutions you're also Going to be creating social media Content regularly for various platforms Such as a Facebook you'll respond to all Customer inquiries on those social media Platforms as well in a timely manner and Of course escalate any issues up to Support or support management teams as Needed you also use those social media Channels to drive sales for existing and Future customers and of course you may Also be providing trainings for customer Support now they are not requiring it Any kind of college degree they're Looking for someone who can perform work With a high degree of quality and Integrity so somebody who takes pride in Their work someone who is a great Relationship a builder because they're Looking for someone to help build those Customers into loyal customers that keep Coming back over and over somebody who Can handle complex issues under stress Somebody who knows how hotels operate And somebody who can be flexible to Pivot on the Fly due to a business a Needs now they also need someone who's Experienced with social media platforms And has the ability to meet deadlines But can stay customer focused now if you Don't mind doing a little bit of a phone Work they are paying anywhere from sixty Seven thousand dollars a year all the

Way up to 75 000 a year and of course they offer a Standard benefit package that includes Medical dental vision 401k and paid time Off as always if this job lead was not For you that's okay always feel free to Leave in the comments and anything Specific that you're looking for I do Read those and keep that in mind thank You so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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