CIGNA Hiring DATA ENTRY Reps (Non-Phone) Up To $32 Hour To Work From Home | No Degree | Healthcare

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Welcome back my friends and happy Monday This is Lindsay coming back with another Non-phone data entry work from home job Lead this one is in the health care Field we are starting the week off right Because this one pays a fairly well too And is from a well-known company just Know if you're interested in applying The links to everything I always share Are in the YouTube description box below This video but insurance a giant Cigna Is hiring a data entry representative Now you'll notice on the job description It says this job is available in two Locations when you click to see all it Says a virtualus it does not state that There are any state restrictions so it Looks like they are hiring within the United States but they are basically Looking for a data entry senior Representative to deliver delegated data Entry tasks assigned by a supervisor so You'll complete a day-to-day data entry Task without supervision Vision but they Are looking for someone to complete data Entry of 500 pages per hour and maintain Record or Source documents of data input Including the patient's medical records And perspective of forms now I don't Know if it 500 pages an hour is a lot so It seems like it's a very quick task That you just do over and over and over They are looking for someone that will Maintain a 95 accuracy rate while doing

The data entry you'll provide and Distribute reports after preparation and Any assigned task otherwise that is Needed now they are looking for someone Who can handle complex assignments who Can take instruction and Direction and Work with lower level data entry Operators someone who can follow Directions and work with clearly defined Procedures now they do note your Internet connection has to be through Cable Broadband or Fiber Optic but they Are paying anywhere from 21 an hour all The way way up to 32 dollars an hour for This position all right if this job lead Was not for you that's okay please feel Free to leave in the comments anything Specific that you're looking for along With any education and experience that You have I am always reading those and Keeping that in mind when I am searching For job leads to share I want to say Thank you so so much for watching and Supporting me and I'll be back really Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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