Cigna Hiring Up To $26 Hour Reviewing Doctor’s Credentialing Applications | Work From Home Job

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another Healthcare Work from home job lead for you I know a Lot of you are looking for something in The health care field so today we have The huge insurance company the Cigna Group they are hiring a provider a data Representative now this is remote and This is virtual for the United States Only of course the links if you're Interested in putting that application In are always in the YouTube description Box below this video but they are Looking for someone to review initial Requests from their Partners to ensure All data elements required for Credentialing is present so one thing to Quickly note since I am in the Healthcare field providers and doctors Have to be credentialed with the Different Insurance Groups in order to Be able to build that insurance so if They want to see patients who have Cigna Insurance and be able to build Cigna They have to get registered and Credentialed with Cigna and then keep That paperwork up to date so they are Cigna is looking for someone to perform A credentialing review of the initial Applications received and you'll review Those applications based on Medicare Ncqa and the Cigna standards you'll Perform timely Outreach to the Provider's office for discrepancy or

Missing information on the credentialing Application so this is not a customer Service job you will not be taking Inbound phone calls but if you're Reviewing an application and something Is missing and you can quickly pick up The phone and call the doctor's office And ask them for that information you Will be required to do so you'll track Inquiries follow-ups and outcomes in Their internal workflow tool and of Course you'll partner with different Matrix partners for resolution of any Issues for credentialing Contracting and Medicare business admin teams now best Part about this not only are they not Requiring a college degree but they're Really not even requiring any health Care experience they're looking for Somebody who has a high school diploma Or GED it says one year more in the Health care field is preferred but not Required also credentialing experience Is a plus and if you have that it might Get you to the front of the line you get Some brownie points for that but it is Not required they even say solid Customer service experience is a plus But not required either so really no Experience is required they do need Somebody who knows how to use those Microsoft Office applications word excel Outlook PowerPoint all the things Someone who is mind driven in results

Has strong communication skills strong Time management and organizational Skills and of course you've got to be Able to work in a fast-paced environment And multitask now if that is you it says That you'll be working from home Permanently so the internet connection Must be obtained either through cable Broadband or Fiber Optic they don't say Anything about computer equipment so I Do believe signal will provide the Computer equipment for you although they Don't exactly state that this position Is paying Seventeen dollars an hour all The way up to 26 dollars an hour of Course that's dependent on experience And location and of course they also Offer the standard benefit package that Includes medical dental vision 401k and Paid time off all right if you enjoy a Health care work from home job leads Please let me know in the comments down Below or if there's something else You're looking for leave that too thank You so much for watching and supporting Me and I'll be back but really really Soon with more work from home job leads Just for you

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