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Foreign And happy Wednesday if you’re new here My name is Valerie and this is the work From home project where we post hot Remote job leads every single day go Ahead and make sure you’re subscribed to My channel and have your notifications Turned on because the jobs I post about Go really fast and guys if you want the Most luck in your application process Make sure you are watching my most Recent videos and job postings as these Are the freshest leads on my channel and These jobs will take longer to fill and Close out and if you are interested in Today’s job try to apply right after Watching today we’ll be talking about a High paying live chat job that does not Require much experience or a college Degree the company offering this Position today is McLendon Center the McClendon Center has provided critical Programs and services to those most Vulnerable in the community supporting And empowering them to live more Independently and improving their Quality of life they are hiring a remote Online chat specialist this is a entry Level position and it is full time let’s Jump into more of your day-to-day Responsibilities you’ll be offering Quick and accurate assistance to Customers through the live chat and be Expected to provide exceptional customer

Support in real time you’ll be answering Incoming chats regarding website Navigation issues service questions and General client concerns you’ll be Evaluating customer interactions and Elevating issues to online chat managers When appropriate you’ll be creating Relationships with new customers to Better understand and achieve their Needs and respond to the customers Questions and queries requests and Problems accurately and appropriately You’ll also be providing some Administrative support to the customer Service team and you may be assisting With overflow work and other duties as Needed the qualifications for this role Are minimal they are looking for someone With a strong work ethic PC keyboarding And internet experience is needed strong Communication and interpersonal skills Including written and verbal and upbeat Positive attitude articulate and well Accustomed to a client-facing role the Ability to compose professional emails Proficiency in English both written and Verbal and basic technical skills like The ability to navigate through a Smartphone or computer they do offer Benefits with this position they have a Company Equity program Medical Dental Life and vision insurance unlimited paid Time off Paid Family Leave short-term Disability a 401k plan and reimbursement

For education and professional Development they also have an employee Assistance program and according to Glassdoor the estimated total pay is Around forty one thousand dollars a year Or about 3 400 a month I’m going to be Posting the link to this job in the Description below and I want to thank You guys so much for watching today’s Video make sure you are subscribed and Have your notifications turned on for Tomorrow’s job lead and be sure to check Out my playlists for more non phone jobs Always hiring jobs and skip the Interview jobs and as always I wish you So much luck in your hunt for the Perfect remote job and I will see you Next time

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