Get Paid To Process Grants | No Degree Work From Home Job | $21 An Hour – No Weekends Work At Home

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Hey hey hey this is Tangy from two Chicks with the side hustle coming at You with another work from home position But before we get started do me a favor Hit that red subscribe button also hit That Bell notification button to be Notified whenever we post a new video or Do a live stream and remember on this Channel sharing is caring so do me a Favor check one of our YouTube videos Share with your friends family anyone Who is looking to work from home and you Will come back under the video type I Shared and you will be entered into a Drawing to win one of 10 laptop Computers when we reach 100 000 subscribers and thank you for those Who of you who have shared thus far well Today guys we have a position that comes From our two chicks with the side blog and it is for e-civics And they are looking for a grant Research associate and you'll be Responsible for utilizing General and Proprietary tools and methodologies to Thoroughly search a wide variety of Websites government Publications and Databases to identify track and Prioritize funding funding opportunities According to the relevance for e-civics Clients so what you will be doing Basically is researching grants I'm Researching funding opportunities for Their clients in the way of Grants so

What you will be doing is they will give You information and you will be going to Look for grants that may be possible to Uh obtain for their clients you'll Navigate the res internet maintain Electric electronic documents do daily Reporting Um you need an associate's degree at the Least you must be able to work 7 A.M to 4 P.M Monday through Friday and that is Specific Standard time and be also Proficient in office suite so make sure You go click down here and click apply Here to apply oh and the starting salary Is 21.63 and this is hiring all over the U.S so make sure you go and click apply Here have a great day bye-bye

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