High Paying Work From Home Job No Degree $23-$28 An Hour Online Job Processing Credit Card Issues

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What's up two chicks fam it's me Carl And I am back with another work from Home video a high paying company make Sure you guys subscribe like and share On this YouTube channel guys not only do We talk about legit work from home jobs Side gig side hustles but we also give Away free laptops and if you guys want To win there is a giveaway coming up Once we reach a hundred thousand Subscribers so go tell a friend go Spread the word about what we do on this YouTube channel but don't forget to come Back and leave us a comment now we have Been dropping a lot of work when you Want videos some of these are phone and Some are non-phone no interview guys if You have been missing these videos be Sure to go back to last week and the Week before last and also we dropped Some on the channel yesterday make sure You guys come over here to the two Chicks with the side hustle.com blog Look on the home page apply for tele International the Raider position is now Open let us know in the comments what Type of work from home job or side Hustle you guys are looking for and be Sure guys to sign up for Branded surveys The link is down below in the comment Section let's jump into the video so the Company is called nest and they are Looking to feel this customer support Agent for their credit card

Facility or Center because it could be a Call center so it says here that the Base pay is 23 to 28 dollars per hour And this depends on experience now Ness This is a startup company so it says Here I'm trying to get the job description You will you may be the ideal candidate If while we take a holistic approach to Evaluating talent for our team we're Looking for candidates who have Foundational experience and customer Support and financial services such as Like banking you have two plus years of Experience working in Customer Support Roles through phone video email or live Chat bonus if you have experience with Zendesk you have one plus years of Experience working in financial services Ideally on the credit card products or In related functions collections fraud Etc you're excited about being a member Of our 24 7 support team ensuring we're The we're there whenever our customers Need us in addition you may have Transferable experience in these skills Needed to excel in this row so again Guys the company is called Nest it says That you will be the front line of the Customer support experience by Prioritizing the queue providing fast Accurate personalized responses to Customer inquiries through inbound and Outbound phone and text based support a

Typical week will include at least 30 Hours of Frontline support our current Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 9 A.M to 6 p.m Eastern your Working hours will need to overlap with That window as you'll have a designated Shift during those hours with a rotating On-call weekend schedule to address Urgent customer needs so again guys the Company is Nest this position pays 20 Three to twenty eight dollars per hour Depending on experience and the link is Posted over here on the two chicks blog So I will be sure to post it right below The video in the description box so you Guys can check out this company make Sure you go over to Google and do some Research it takes one to two minutes Guys to type in the company's name see What comes up if you cannot find Anything about Nest check to see if they Have a Facebook business page go over to YouTube see has anybody posted any Information about this company don't Forget to share my video come back leave Us a comment hop over to Facebook join The group KISS that cubicle goodbye I Have been dropping a lot of work when You want Post in the group as of Yesterday and I will be dropping some More in the group today so make sure you Join us it is free 99 won't cost you Nothing make sure to follow the two Chicks with the side hustle Facebook

Business page also guys don't forget About our our Instagram page and Twitter It is also two chicks with the side Hustle all you guys have to do is like Subscribe follow the platforms share the Information leave us a comment and once We hit the number that we are trying to Hit that is when the giveaways will take Place on the live stream and anybody can Win these laptops keyboards mouse pads Ring lights laptop stands anybody can Win guys just make sure you take the Information and share it that is all you Guys have to do and we will in turn pick The winners and send you guys the gifts Absolutely free my name is Carl and I Will catch you wonderful lovely amazing People on the next video Are you through

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