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25 to 35 dollars per hour they say they Are currently paying new app testers to Work on the right app review platform Next we found this opportunity from a Comment on one of our videos by it makes 629 per day Next because we like to interact with Our subcribers we followed the profile To a YouTube channel called make 629 Dollars per day next we Then followed The link pinned in the comments after Watching the video to see if this is Something we'd like to share with our Subscribers Next they state that as a member of Right app review you will get paid to Help app developers find bugs in their Apps and expand Their audience They ask if you are looking to earn some Extra cash from home Next hey my friend we are going to be Paying for this opportunity just for you So can you do a robot a favor and hit The like And subscribe thanks now back To the information you will be testing Apps and identifying bugs writing Reviews of apps and giving feedback to

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