Part-Time $16 – $20 Hour Work From Home Job Helping Members With Program / App Questions | No Degree

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another daily work From home job lead I have been reading The comments and I know a few of you are Interested in part-time like nights and Weekend work to work around other jobs Kids family whatever and however this One looks like it is during the daytime But I did find a part-time job but as Always please feel free to leave in the Comments anything specific that you're Looking for because I am always reading That and keeping that in mind when I am Searching for job leads to share but Today's job lead is from the company Omada Health now this is remote within The United States they are hiring a Part-time member support agent this is a Part-time role therefore they do not Have a benefit package they're looking For someone to work anywhere from 16 to 24 hours a week the pay range is Anywhere from 16.54 cents an hour all The way up to 20.67 cents an hour of course pay is Going to be dependent on location Experience all of those things but they Are really just looking for like a Customer support member support agent to Respond to both emails and phone calls From Members with concerns and queries Concerning the omada health program and App so Amana health does have an app so You may be helping with some technical

Issues the agents are supposed to be Enthusiastic about helping educate People about the Yamada program and Ready to assist them in overcoming any Obstacles like Tech issues or anything And making sure they have a rapid Solution you may also process Applications with accuracy and attention To detail so you will also have to Develop and maintain a knowledge base of Their products processes and systems now They are looking for someone who has Experience on a growing support team Someone who is at least six months to One year customer service or call center Experience someone who is a great verbal And written communication skills who can Be a problem solver and take Accountability now it does say you need To be available between 5 a.m to 6 p.m a Pacific Standard time which is 8 AM to 9 Pm Eastern Standard time you need to be Available to work 16 to 24 hours a Weekly so it sounds like they will Schedule you somewhere in that time Frame you do need to be available 40 Hours a week full-time for the first few Weeks for training they're going to Provide a paid training and they do ask That you be available to work on some Holidays now one thing to note it does Say they offer a work from home stipend Even for their part-time employees Alright if you've made it to the end of

This video I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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