Part-Time FLEXIBLE Hours HEALTHCARE Work From Home Job With No Degree Needed! USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another daily work From home job lead I've seen in the Comments that a lot of you are Interested in part-time jobs you've got A full-time job already and you're Trying to make a little bit of extra Side money from home in the evenings Nights weekends you're just trying to Work around that full-time job if that Is you this might be for you as long as You do not mind customer service the Company experity is hiring a help desk Representative now this is a part-time And it is remote within the United States they are a national leader in On-demand Care Solutions so this is Going to be in the health care field now They do offer quite a few benefits the Number one is flexibility it says that They're committed to helping their team Members juggle work and family life so They offer flexible working schedules They also offer a standard benefit Package and team building exercises but They are looking for someone to work Part-time to triage inbound calls from Centers inquiring about matters related To different subjects including Submitting cases for reinterpretation Changing or updating the patient Demographics that's name address Insurance information all of that good Stuff checking the status of a live

Study requesting to speak directly to a Radiologist or submitting a complaint on Top of taking the inbound calls you'll Also be making outbound calls to centers To notify them of positive findings or Request additional information on Studies you'll monitor the live queue And make sure that all live cases are Being read and contracted with the Radiologists in a timely manner now they Do not require any kind of college Degree just a high school diploma or Equivalent GED they want someone who has The two years of some kind of related Experience but it does not have to be in Customer service it can be basic Computer spill skills clerical work or a Call center environment customer service So pretty much two years of any kind of Related work experience now they say Pax Experience is preferred but not required Pax is probably the computer system that They use that they will fully train you On that all right as always if this job Lead was not for you that's okay please Feel free to leave in the comments Anything specific that you're looking For even if I'm not always responding I Do always read those YouTube will send Me an email with the comment in it so I Do always read those and keep that in Mind when I am searching for job leads To share I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and

I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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