PART TIME! Good BENEFITS & FAST Application! New Work From Home Job

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One right here is coming from the Company cerebral and they're currently Looking for a part-time payroll analyst Okay so I did look for the pay for this Job I wasn't able to find it hopefully They're paying pretty decent so to get Into the details about this job you will Be responsible for Preparation and Processing of payroll to their team of 1 000 plus employees and contractors You're going to maintain the payroll Master file to ensure accurate payroll Reconciliation for each pay period and You'll be responsible for maintenance And training of employees and managers In time in attendance within ukg Workforce Dimensions you're going to Partner with accounting and the VP of Finance on funding requests for payroll Each pay period and respond to employee Increase and requests regarding payroll Related matters in a timely and friendly Manner you will need to be able to Research payroll issues independently And demonstrate High analytical ability Knowledge of best practices and an Understanding of federal and state Payroll tax and labor law developments You will assist with external audits by Providing supporting records and

Documentations other responsibilities Include but are not limited to Participating in Special Projects as Well okay and they'd like for you to Have three plus years of relevant Payroll experience processing Multi-state payroll experience with ukg Is a plus proficient in Microsoft Excel That's going to include vlookups pivot Tables and other formulas and Google Sheets excellent problem solving skills Be able to work independently customer Service mindset and communicating with Contractors and payroll so this company Is going to give you a lot of benefits On top of you being able to work from Anywhere in the U.S you're going to get Your medical dental they're also going To provide you with a 200 work from home Reimbursement this job also has a quick Application so of course if you're Interested in applying you can check out The link in the description bar you guys Know if you have any questions or any Comments you can leave those below and As usual thank you guys so much for Watching and I'll see you guys in my Next video good luck to everyone who Applies for this job

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