Pharmacy DATA ENTRY Specialist (Non-Phone) Work From Home Job With No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I have Another Healthcare non-phone data entry Type work from a home job lead that is Hiring right now in 2023 if you are Interested in applying to this the link To this page is in the YouTube Description box below the video the Company Med one they are a pharmacy Benefit Solutions company they have a Pharmacy benefit manager they serve Clients and members Nationwide they are Hiring a data entry specialist now this Is remote within the United States but They are looking for someone as a data Entry specialist to perform a technical Function functions in supporting their Daily operations of their Clinical Services now this is not a normal data Entry job where you just look at one Form and you type into a database of What you see on the form there is a Little bit more to this even though they Are calling it a data entry specialist You will initiate prior authorization Request online so that is a data entry Piece in the healthcare field you'll Take information from the patient's Charts and all the stuff that the doctor Has entered and you'll enter it into the Insurance website to request Authorization for a drug since this is a Pharmacy company you'll review the Incoming prior authorization

Documentation to make sure it is Complete you'll prepare any clinical Review documentation for a review by Clinical pharmacist of course you'll Communicate the clinical review Decisions into the pharmacies and Providers and you'll file completed Prior authorization documentation so This is all non-phone working with Documentation and they do not require Any kind of college degree they are Looking for someone who is detail Oriented has strong interpersonal skills With written and verbal communication Skills someone who is stronger customer Service type skills someone who can work With Microsoft Office Word Excel and PowerPoint and type at least the 30 Words a per minute now you do need to be Able to work independently and still Meet deadlines so you need to have that Dedication and self motivation now it Does say in this position if you are Near their corporate office can be Worked in the corporate office or remote We are interested in the remote it is Full-time a 40 hour per week job you Will have to pass a background check and Drug screen to be able to work with them However they do not list pay in this job Description if you get an interview that Will need to be discussed at the time of The interview all right if this job lead Was not for you that's okay please feel

Free to leave anything specific in the Comments that you're looking for you can Leave along with that any education and Experience that you have I'm always Reading those even if I'm not responding And keeping that in mind when I'm out Here searching for joblies to share I Want to say thank you so so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work From home job leads just for you

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