Remote NO Talking Job! $988 per Week! Non-phone Work From Home Job 2023!

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Good morning it's Suzanne today I have a Work from home job lead for you it is a Quality assurance Auditor in a call Center with the company nation's benefit Now they are paying according to Indeed's estimated salary between 41 and 52 000 per year full job description Grow and Lead among an award-winning and Extraordinary organization that's Dedicated to providing Premier Service And delighting members 24 7 365 days per Year it all begins with how we care About the people we serve so you can Read the rest of the intro there on the Company they're saying a lot about it Compensation for all positions is Competitively higher than the current Marketplace simply put they pay more They also offer competitive benefits Designed to support employees and their Families across all Dimensions you can Earn even more through referral bonuses Achieve your potential and grow your Career at Nations benefits so the roles And responsibilities what you'll be Doing a quality assurance auditor will Monitor rate and Coach member experience Advisors call handling performance to Ensure the highest level of quality and Expectations are achieved so this is a No talking on the phone job you will not Have to talk to customers you will be Listening in on calls and then giving Feedback on those calls based on how the

Call reps handled them you're going to Monitor and measure the quality of Inbound and or outbound calls for member Experience BPO provider and Member Services report daily weekly and monthly Quality score results to the QA Management provide detailed feedback and Performance related recommendations Necessary to ensure quality participate In scheduled internal call calibration Sessions with leadership and or our Operational stakeholders to ensure the Feedback and continued skill development Goals are achieved Work in conjunction with training and Onboarding Leadership to ensure QA Requirements with new hires participate In review meetings including development Information on quality performance Contribute call feedback scorecards and Recorded calls for client calibration so I'll let you read through the rest of These but basically bottom line is You're going to be listening to calls And you're going to be giving the Appropriate feedback they're going to Train you on how to do that however they Do want you to have a high school Diploma but no degree required however a Bachelor's is preferred two to three Years of customer service experience in A call center is strongly preferred in Two to three years experience in a call Quality Assurance monitoring and

Coaching experience is required so they Want you to have that experience in Quality assurance now when you are Creating your resume you want to make Sure and get these qualifications on Your resume make sure that they are Factual that they are true don't put Anything on your resume that is is not True but if you have these Qualifications and education Requirements then you definitely want to Make sure that they are listed well on Your resume so that they're easily Identifiable preferred skills highly PC Proficient attention to detail Multi-task ability to remain highly Motivated critical thinker Problem Solver good listening all the usual Stuff that most jobs want you to have so Hours of operation are starting from 12 P.m noon to 8 30 PM Eastern Standard Time alright guys if you're interested In applying for this position I'm going To go ahead and put the instructions to Apply down in the description for you And I will see you all in the next Remote work from home job lead video

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