Skip The Interview Work From Home Job | Flexible Part Time Online Job Processing Pizza Hut Orders

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What is that two chicks fam it's me Carl I am back with a skip the interview work From home part-time job and this one Guys you can get paid to process Pizza Hut orders but before I jump into the Video if you are new here be sure to Subscribe like and share the video Because on this channel we give away Laptops and we are giving away 10 more Brand new laptop computers and they are Absolutely free if you have been Following us we have already given out 12 so we're going to turn around and Give away 10 more be sure to share the Video leave us a comment hop over to the Two chicks blog look under the spotlight Job section make sure you guys apply for Omni interactions and then scroll down And look for tell us both of these are Skip the interview work whenever you Want opportunities for you guys let us Know in the comments what type of work From home job or side hustle you guys Are looking for and be sure to sign up For Branded surveys we got some people Here guys that make up to fifty dollars In one day the link is in the comment Section again let's jump into the video So guys this company Is called contract world and it is Posted on our work at home CS Blog so this particular blog we post a Lot of customer service jobs so if you Live in one of those hard to find

Um job Estates which is California New York check out this blog again guys it Is work at home so the Company's contract World they are Looking to feel their customer service Work from home position for it's a Client I'm not going to say the client's Name but they are partnered with Pizza Hut so it says here you have the Opportunity to work flexible hours Sometimes for very short periods you can Work as many or as few hours as you like As long as you satisfy your clients Schedules and I think the schedule for This one is 50 it's either 10 to 15 Hours minimum per week but it's any Times any days that you guys want to Work and This is an independent contractor Position so guys once you click apply Here this will take you over to their Website contract world's website you Will have to create an account and once You create that account you can log in And you can see the list of companies on The left side of the page this is by far One of the easiest ones guys now you Will have to pay for their training and I think the training for this one it is 29 just that one time fee but I do Believe that they will take it out of Your paycheck but don't quote me on that I know they used to do it like that I'm Not sure if they still do it that way or

Not so again I will be sure guys to Leave a link posted right below the Video in the description box so you guys Can check out this company be sure to go Over to Google it only takes about one Or two minutes to type in contract World Check out the review see what comes up Even though there is no interview you Still need to know who you are doing Business with who you are working for Make sure you share the video somebody Out there guys is looking for this type Of work from home job and you guys just Might be the one to help that person out But don't forget to come back though Leave me a comment Down Below in the Comment section so that we can put your Name on the giveaway list we are trying To get to a hundred thousand subscribers And hopefully guys we will get there I Would love to get there before the end Of the month so we can ship out these Beautiful laptops also don't forget to Follow us over on Instagram Instagram Guys we're trying to get to ten thousand I am so excited because we are almost There so family go over to Instagram Follow us two chicks with the side Hustle start tagging your friends on Those videos or you can take the video Share it in your story create a real About the video or about us you could Create a real about two chicks let your Friends and family members know it if

They are looking to work from home home We post them on our blog YouTube channel And in our group and speaking of the Group guys don't forget to come over There and join because we do Post other Jobs in the group that may or may not be Posted on this YouTube channel there are A ton of companies guys that are hiring You guys can also go on the blog at the Top of the page where it says blog click There and a drop down menu will come Down with a list of jobs so we have a Plethora of jobs posted over in the Group as well it is kiss that cubicle Goodbye we're doing a giveaway in the Group too so make sure you come over There and join us and then you want to Follow us on our Facebook business page It is two chicks with the side hustle We're giving away two additional laptop Computers and again guys anytime we do These giveaways everything is absolutely Free you guys don't even have to pay for Shipping we're gonna pay for the Shipping as well my name is Carl and I Will catch you wonderful lovely amazing People in the next video Bye YouTube

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