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Hi everyone this is Melissa from Melissia at home and welcome back to Another video so this video is just a Quick update because I did post a video I believe maybe a couple of weeks ago Early in November in regards to stimulus Payments in the states that we're going To receive payments around the holiday Season before Thanksgiving now there Were some of you who are wondering if Your state is going to be receiving Stimulus payments if you will receive Stimulus checks within your state so This is just a quick update that I just Came across when I was you know looking Through the news and I just came and I Came across this update on this website Called the US Sun So they updated some information in Regards to the stimulus payments and the City and states that are getting Payments so you can check this list to See if your city and state is on there If you are interested in Um this information if you care at all To receive your checks Um 29 cities and states sending payments Between two hundred dollars and twelve Hundred dollars monthly full list of Universal basic income in 2023 Some Americans all over the country are Getting help making ends meet through Universal basic income Also known as Ubi programs these

Guaranteed income programs provide Monthly payments to eligible Participants Now usually the programs are government Sponsored or run by not-for-profits and In most cases there are no strings Attached to how the cash can be used and It doesn't have to be paid back so while There is growing support or these Programs though are these programs those Who oppose them say they discourage People from finding work here are some Of the Ubi programs across the country So these are the programs that I feel You know is essential for those who Desire to know this information or you Are someone can benefit from this or you Know someone in your community who can Also benefit from this information okay So just a quick update in this is Basically what is going on at this time These are the states that is listed and Again it's 29 States based on what I'm Reading here I'm going to leave this Link in the description section so you Can check it out Um you can go through the list to see if Your state is included on this list so You can see it's a very long list and They have details about the programs That are available for you know income Um the length of Time in which you will receive stimulus Payments for instance Florida

Gainesville length of time is winter 2021 to 2022 to early 2023 the payments You will receive if you are in Gainesville Florida is one thousand Dollars then six hundred dollars a month For 11 months participants 115 formally Incarcerated people right so that's just An example so that's just an example of The different programs that are Available and for those who may qualify For those programs in the different Cities and states okay and you have Chicago you have Kentucky New Orleans Louisiana Massachusetts and so on and so On so if you are in any of these states Then you can definitely look into these Um programs that are available to you And for those who you know might be able To also again benefit from this Information okay so this is just a quick Update to the last video that I posted a Couple weeks ago a month ago or so I Believe it was early November so again I'll go ahead and leave this link in the Description section below this video Along with any other information that I May you know come across I will post in The description section but this will be Under the video okay so you can check it Out and thank you so much for watching And I wish you all the best of luck Happy work from home bye

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