Super Quick Hire! Training Classes Each Week! Up To $18 An Hour! Work From Home Job No Experience

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Hey hey two chicks fam it's me Carl and I am back with a super quick higher work From home job but before I jump into the Video make sure you guys subscribe like And share because on this YouTube Channel not only do we talk about legit Work from home job side gigs inside Hustles we also guys do live streams and We give away laptops so if you guys want To join in on these giveaways make sure You take my video posted on your social Media platforms Tick Tock Twitter Facebook whatever you have but don't Forget to come back and leave us a Comment I dropped a lot of videos on the Channel yesterday make sure you guys go Back and catch those jobs hop over here To the two chicks blog on the home page Make sure you apply for tell us tell us Has a non-phone no interview work Whenever you want opportunity for you Guys that pays 14 an hour don't forget To let us know in the comments what type Of work from home job or side hustle you Are looking for and be sure guys to sign Sign up for Branded surveys we got a lot Of people here that make money off of This website the link is in the comments Let's jump in so the company is instant Teams and guys this one hires super Duper quick outbound Verification Specialist that is what they are looking To hire people for that is the job so it Says here instant teams is currently

Hiring entry to mid-level outbound Verification Specialist qualifying guys To partake in a mission-driven Opportunity that helps improve the Financial well-being of consumers so it Says these remote team members or rtms Are responsible for pre-qualifying Insurance Shoppers while providing first Class service in an outbound call center Environment now this role will heavily Depend on your background in soft sales No quit attitude and your interest and Proven track record and helping Customers insta team is a remote first Company and so this position is and will Continue to be 100 percent remote work From home so it says guys 16 an hour the Training is paid and it says that Currently this position is hiring for a Full-time shifts only and I do see here The training schedule is listed on their Website so keep that in mind look at the Training schedule make sure you can work Those hours before you apply so day in Life it says speak with an average 300 Potential Shoppers per day via an Outbound dialer system qualify customers By asking a series of targeted questions To find out the customers goals and Ensure that they would be a good fit for The products and or Services meet daily Weekly and monthly key performance Indicators based on various metrics Maintain the highest quality of customer

Service by demonstrating proper phone Etiquette and consistently following Scripts demonstrate ability to handle And over overcome challenges with your Best rebuttal our training team will Prepare you for Success you will handle Proficient data entry and computer Related requirements in digital Environment utilize excellent oral Communication skills and positively Engage with any individual over the Phone particularly particularly with the Elderly so it says um computer laptop or Desktop Chromebooks are not compatible So you must provide your own equipment For this one guys and it says insta Teams employ benefits Um websites so it says 100 remote I do See medical dental and vision benefits Are activated after 60 days on generous PTO accrual after 60 days now right here It says that the trainees who have Successfully completed the 60-day period On the platform you guys will see a pay Increase from 16 to 17 an hour and upon Successful completion of 181 days days On the platform you will see a pay Increase of 18 an hour if the Performance targets are met so it can go From 16 all the way to 18 dollars an Hour so again guys the company is called Instant teams this is a super quick hire On their website it states that they do Training each and every single week and

They are looking to feel quickly this Outbound verification Specialists work From home job make sure you guys do some Research because there will be an Interview with this company if you Decide to apply you want to be prepared And not surprised I will be sure to Leave the link right below the video in The description box so you guys can Check out this company don't forget to Share my video Guys somebody out there Is looking to get hired on this week and This could be the company for them if You share the video don't forget to come Back though and leave us a comment make Sure you guys hop over to Facebook join The group it is kiss their cubicle Goodbye we are doing a giveaway in the Group as well so make sure you join us Make sure you invite your friends your Family members or whoever on your Facebook friends list that you think Might be looking for a legit work from Home job don't forget about the Facebook Business page there will be two laptops Given away on that platform so be sure To go over there follow like and share As well off of that platform or you can Tag a friend in the comment section and Don't forget about Instagram and Twitter Two chicks with the side hustle guys we Are so close to 10 000 followers on Twitter and I am getting super excited Because that's when we're gonna do

Another giveaway on Insta I'm sorry on Instagram we're close to ten thousand And I'm getting super excited because That is when we will do another giveaway So if you want to join in feel free to Follow the two chicks with the side Hustle Instagram page my name is Carol And I will catch you wonderful lovely Amazing people on the next video bye Bye YouTube

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