Up To $21 Hour Working From Home Processing Orders, Credits, & Returns | No Degree Needed | USA

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Welcome back my friends this is Lindsay And I am back with another work from Home job lead for you real quickly just A disclaimer I do not work for any of These companies I simply share what I Find online and while I do try to weed Out all the scams I always say do your Own research and also know outside of What is listed in the job description I Do not have any additional information But this job page is linked in the YouTube description box if you're Interested in getting that application In today's job lead is from the company Zimmer Biomet they are hiring a customer Service representative now they are Hiring throughout the United States and This is a remote work from home job but They do want somebody who can work the Hours of 9am to 5 30 PM Pacific Standard Time so if you're outside of that time Zone you are going to have to convert Your time zone to those hours to see if That works for you they do have it Listed for the Eastern Time Zone that Would be 12 P.M to 8 30 p.m but but they Are looking for someone to be Responsible for processing orders Quotations returns credits invoices and Other shipping documents your primary Responsibility is going to be for the Order to cash a cycle you'll answer Customer inquiries and provide Information to internal and external

Customers your job duties will not just Be answering the phones it's going to be A combination of answering the phone's Purchase order processing email Correspondence and other system driven Activities so it says primary Responsibilities would be to field the Customers ensuring that their orders are Placed and that they have case support And Associated transactions are Completed in a timely manner of course You'll respond to all the support Inquiries that come through call text Email or system driven you'll coordinate Billing with the customers you'll answer A product and a pricing inquiries and You'll process emergency orders now they Don't require any kind of college great Just a high school diploma or GED they Do prefer somebody who is one year of Prior customer service experience they Want somebody who can communicate Clearly both verbally and written in English someone who can maintain a Positive relationships and someone who Can consistently show Energy Drive and Accountability now if this sounds like Something you're interested in they are Paying anywhere from 16 to 21 dollars an Hour all right sharing is always caring So if you found this job leader any job Leads that I share helpful please give This video a thumbs up like button and Share with all your friends and family

So we can all work from home living our Happiest healthiest life thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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