Up To $50,000 Year ENTRY LEVEL Non-Phone Email Customer Support Work From Home Job | NORTH AMERICA

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Welcome back my YouTube friends and Family this is Lindsay and I am back With another non-phone work from home Job lead I am very excited to share this One because they are hiring throughout North America so it is not United States Only it is anywhere in North America so This is going to include people that are Normally left out such as my Canadians Puerto Ricans all of y'all y'all are Included the company netlify is hiring a Support associate now this is a remote Work from home job it's non-phone their Support is going to be mainly through Email through zendesk and it is a entry Level position it is also a Monday Through Friday job no weekends are Required you'll basically be triaging Their incoming help desk requests from Their customers you'll be using their Routing process to make sure they're Help desk tickets get put in the correct Queues in zendesk for their support Engineers to work on and you'll be Answering a customer's questions about The administrative and billing issues You'll be paired with one of their Engineers as your onboarding buddy so They're going to completely train you on How to answer these tickets and emails Some examples of the ticket types you May answer is a transferring websites From One customer to another reviewing Customer domains open a source plan

Approvals and renewing the site SSL Certificates now while the actual work Position is non-phone you may have One-on-one calls with your teammates SO Meetings with your managers and Teammates to work on different projects Now they are not requiring any kind of a College degree for this position they Are looking for somebody who loves Learning who has excellent research Analyzation and triaging skills someone Who can be organized and be great at Spotting those trends of course you have To have great communication skills and The ability to work independently now They do kind of want someone who is Familiar with web HTML and all of those Things and again of course it says they Welcome candidates based all over North America time zones now if this sounds Like something for you of course pay is Always going to be dependent on location And experience but they pay anywhere From thirty seven thousand five hundred Dollars a year all the way up to fifty Thousand five hundred dollars a year all Right if you've made it to the end of This video I want to say thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me as Always feel free to leave anything in The comments specific to what you are Looking for I do read those and keep an Eye out when I am searching for job Leads to share I'll be back really

Really soon with more work from home job Leads just for you

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