Upwork Freelance Pays $25 hr to $43 per hr / Video Editing worldwide #upwork

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ET upwork the link will be in the Description upwork is a freelance Website This opportunity was found on upwork and Would be considered an independent Contracting job You will be responsible for your own Taxes job title video editing animation YouTube videos freelance job and video Animation more than 30 hours per week More than six months pay 25 per hour to 43 dollars per hour hurry this Opportunity will not last long client States they need a video editor for his Per YouTube channel It is a long-term project client will be Shooting museums graveyards famous Personalites and much more This position was posted on upwork Google and indeed in the last week no Degree is necessary indeed rates upwork 4.1 star this rating is for various Freelance jobs because this is a Freelance website rating breakdown for Upwork show over 116 reviews 62 reviews are

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