Work from Home Jobs 2023: Contracts Coordinator Position Offering $35 per Hour with No Degree Needed or Phone Required

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Are you tired of commuting to work and dealing with office politics? Good news! The work from home trend is on the rise and there are more opportunities than ever before. In 2023, you can get ahead of the curve and work as a contracts coordinator from the comfort of your own home, earning a competitive hourly rate of $35 with no degree or phone required. Keep reading to learn more about this exciting opportunity and how you can apply.

Work from Home Jobs 2023: Contracts Coordinator Position Offering $35 per Hour with No Degree Needed or Phone Required


As we enter the new year, many of us are still struggling to find job opportunities that meet our needs. However, there is one position that is growing in demand and offers great pay without requiring a degree or answering phones: the contracts coordinator work from home job. In this article, we will discuss this exciting opportunity and what it takes to land this position.

What Is a Contracts Coordinator?

A contracts coordinator is responsible for preparing and managing contract documents for clients. This includes reviewing legal documents, managing contract timelines, and negotiating contract terms. As a contracts coordinator, you will be working with clients and various team members to ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

What Are the Qualifications for the Position?

Unlike many job positions, a degree is not required for this work from home job as a contracts coordinator. However, to qualify for the position, you must be detail-oriented, possess excellent organizational skills, and have prior experience in contract preparation and management. Additionally, you must be able to work independently, have excellent communication skills, and be proficient in the use of Microsoft Office and other relevant software.

What Does the Job Entail?

The contracts coordinator work from home job is a contract-based position, which means that you will be working on specific projects as they arise. You will be responsible for preparing and managing contracts for a variety of clients, including preparing RFPs and bids for upcoming projects, reviewing legal documents for accuracy, and ensuring that all deadlines are met.

The Pay Range and Other Benefits

The pay range for this position is between $20.38 and $34.86 per hour, depending on your experience and skillset. Additionally, the company provides the option for flexible location for US-based applicants to work from home. You do not need to worry about answering phones or having a degree, just focus on your work and deliver results on time.

Moreover, you will have access to job coaching and support as well as podcast and typing test links provided by the company in order for you to improve your overall productivity and efficiency. The company also provides Fiverr affiliate links for additional earning opportunities.

How Do I Apply?

If you meet the requirements and qualifications outlined above and are ready to apply for this exciting work from home job opportunity, you simply need to visit the company’s website and submit your application. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have in contract preparation and management, and include your resume and cover letter. The company is always looking for motivated individuals to join their team and is willing to provide the training necessary to be successful in this position.


The contracts coordinator work from home job is a fantastic opportunity for those looking for a flexible and lucrative job without the need for a college degree or answering phones. With the ability to work in the comfort of your own home and a pay range that is highly competitive, this position is a great option for motivated individuals with excellent organizational and communication skills.

FAQs After the Conclusion

  1. What is a typical day like for a contracts coordinator?
    A: A typical day will involve working on contract preparation and management, reviewing legal documents, and communicating with clients and team members.

  2. Do I need a degree to become a contracts coordinator?
    A: No, a degree is not required, but prior experience in contract preparation and management is necessary.

  3. How can I improve my chances of getting hired as a contracts coordinator?
    A: You can improve your chances of getting hired by highlighting relevant experience in your resume and cover letter, taking advantage of the job coaching and typing tests provided, and ensuring excellent communication skills.

  4. How much does a contracts coordinator earn?
    A: The pay range for a contracts coordinator is between $20.38 and $34.86 per hour, depending on your experience and skillset.

  5. What are the benefits of a contracts coordinator work from home job?
    A: The benefits include flexible location, no phone work required, access to job coaching and support, and the ability to earn good money while working from home.

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