$1,076 To $1,634 Week HUGE Beauty Brand Remote Work From Home Job With No Degree Needed! USA

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Welcome back my friends and happy happy Friday this is Lindsay and I have a Well-paying work from home job for you Today this one does not require any kind Of college degree and it brought is from A huge brand so we will just dive on in Just know if you're interested in Applying the link to this page is in the YouTube description box below but the Parent company Shiseido Americas now They make everything from sunscreen to All different kinds of beauty products And they are the parent company to Multiple high-end Beauty Brands Including Nars makeup products and drunk Elephant which is known to be very good For their skin care products you can Find Nars and drunk elephant in Sephora Stores and maybe Ulta I'm not sure about That I know Nars is an Ulta but they are Hiring a customer relations specialist For their drunk elephant skin care brand End now as the title says customer Relation specialist this is going to be A customer service job they are looking For somebody to support their products And brand by providing information Answering questions and responding to Concerns it says that their customer Service team is the front line of Support for their customers and Interested parties so it is not all Completely phone based they are looking For someone to respond to customer

Inquiries via email messaging chat and Phone so you'll have to work all of Their correspondence channels you'll Maintain a detailed records of customer Interactions and internal information Related to each ticket of course when You find solutions to customer problems You'll be contributing to the internal And external FAQ guides for product Innovation you'll contribute to International one sheet an internal Resources for their Global markets You'll also assist in creating and Maintaining content resources including A quick text macros and knowledge of Bases you also respond to customer Feedback via different online channels Such as a bizarre voice net promoter and Other customer feedback applications now Again they are not requiring any kind of College degree they are looking for Someone who has demonstrated a Productivity and proficiency using a Computer solutions someone to who can Actually adhere to their strict business Hours because they do have Live support So you have to be able to work your Shift you have to be able to maintain a Positive empathetic and professional Disposition towards customers you may Get those angry calls and you have to Handle them in a professional way of Course the ability to troubleshoot and Resolve a conflict is always helpful in

Customer service roles now as far as pay For this position they are paying a very Very well for a customer service Position starting pay is anywhere from a Fifty six thousand eight hundred dollars A year all the way up to eighty five Thousand two hundred dollars a year all Right if this job lead was not for you And that is okay please feel free to Leave in the comments anything specific That you're looking for I do read those And keep that in mind thank you so so Much for watching and supporting me and I'll be back really really soon with More work from home job leads just for You

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