$16/hr Online Chat Support Job ( Work from Home) #shorts #workfromhomejobs #remotejobs #hiring

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Who's hiring now today I would like to Feature a company called support ninja This company recruits people to handle Technical support issues for startups Now if you explore the job opportunities Page you will see that they have several Customer support positions in the US as Well as outside of the U.S Right now they are looking for a Full-time customer service Representatives to handle technical Support issues via chat now the Qualifications you must have great Organizational skills you must have Experience working at a tech company or A startup excellent written and oral Communication and able to be the voice Of the company you also must be able to Have the flexibility to work eight hours During their times 9 A.M to 8 PM Eastern Standard Time the starting pay is around 16 per hour so if you are interested in Applying go ahead and check the comments Or the description for the link good Luck to everyone

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