$17 – $25 Hour NON-PHONE Work From Home Job Proofreading & Inputting Quiz Items In System |NO Degree

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Happy Friday and welcome back my friends This is Lindsay and I am back with Another non-phone work from home job Lead for you we'll tip today's video as Quick as possible the links if you're Interested in applying are always in the YouTube description box below this video And this one is for my United States Folks only achieve network is hiring an Assessment operations assistant now it Does say the location is flexible within The United States I do not see where They have any state restrictions and They are looking to hire somebody Immediately but they are looking for an Assistant to assist with the assessment Operations team with the development Design and production of standard-based Math and English language arts Assessments to be administered online And on paper so you'll help aid in the Creation and revision of Assessments by Selecting the items in the tool Completing the online layout and Adhering to their Style file guide You'll support in completing quality Assurance of their online assessment Delivery system and make sure it is Integrated with the assessment tool you Will be tasked with proofreading the Quiz questions and inputting the items And passages into the online quiz tool You'll Implement improvements to the Online items assessments and Analysis

Guide based on the editor and the team Input you'll also help to ensure all Students have a great experience with Their assessments by supporting Accommodations including reviewing the Text to speech in their online platform Making sure it's working correctly and It is all good to go they are not Requiring any kind of college degree for This position just somebody who is Proficient in Google Docs Google Sheets And at Adobe Acrobat PDF someone who can Have great attention to detail great Organizational skills someone who has Strong editing skills and understanding Of grammar rules someone who is Comfortable learning and using news Software applications and online Platforms of course you have to have Strong communication skills and the Ability to work independently but if That is you they are paying anywhere From 17 an hour all the way up to 25 an Hour and of course they offer a standard Benefit package that includes medical Dental vision a 401k paid time off all Right as always if this job lead was not For you that's absolutely okay please Feel free to leave in the comments Anything specific that you're looking For I hope you all have a fabulous Fabulous weekend thank you so much for Watching and supporting me and I'll be Back really really soon with more work

From home job leads just for you

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