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Foreign [Music] Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and I'm back With another job for you guys and this One is coming from the company so Financial and they're currently looking For a customer success payout specialist So you can work in Austin or you can Work remotely with this job and let's go Ahead and get straight into the details You will be researching and resolving Customer payout inquiries and ensure Timely and accurate completion of daily Functions including case management you Will ensure all service level Agreements Are adhered to and answer customer Inquiries and escalation issues via Email and or phone you're going to also Engage with vendor resources to resolve Customer inquiries and they'd like for You to have two plus years working in Online operations customer support or Financial technology industry is Required strong business problem solving Instincts and strong ability to adapt in A fast-moving startup environment Payouts or Payment Processing experience Is strongly prefer word so as far as the Salary for this job according to Glassdoor this job does have a salary of 40 to 54k a year as I always state that Is an estimate you will have to get the Exact pay from sell Financial once you

Go through the application and interview Process you will get benefits with this Job and here's the application right Here so of course if you're interested In applying you can check out the link In the description bar you guys can Leave any questions or comments below And as usual I thank you guys so much For watching I'll see you in my next Video and good luck to everyone who Applies for the job

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