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Hey hey hey two chicks fam it is me curl I am back with another work from home Video but before I jump in make sure you Guys smash that red subscribe button Turn on that Bell notification make sure You thumbs up the videos and share on This channel guys we talk about all Things work from home related non-phone Jobs data entry jobs customer service And the list goes on and on and we also Do real giveaways and we're giving away 10 more brand new laptop computers Absolutely free to you guys be sure to Go spread the word tell a friend come Back leave us a comment don't forget to Check out the last video that I posted On the channel today non-phone job guys High paying 21 to 23 an hour make sure You guys check it out and share hop over To the other blog two chicks with the Side look under the spotlight Job section make sure you apply for Omni Interactions guys they have new people Posting new clients posted on their Portal make sure you check it out make Sure you share their information as well It is a skip the interview beginner Friendly company make sure you sign up For Branded surveys the link is down Below in the comment section and let us Know in the comments what type of work From home job or side hustle you guys Are looking for let's get into the video So this is a skip the interview work

Whenever you want guys non-phone data Entry position or I would say a side Hustle egg now the company is sick track It says here the sick track is a Database application that links the Grassroots campaigns with crowded Crowd-sourced data entry Freelancers now The position that you guys will be doing For this company it is you will be Keen In the voter registration I'm thinking The cards but they probably are going to Send it to you guys electronically and You have to key in the person's Information into the system so this is By far another easy peasy side hustle Egg that you guys should get in your Basket now they cannot hire you if you Live in California or Massachusetts make Sure you guys do some research about Said Trek if you are not sure about how To do the registrations how to sign up YouTube it join some Facebook groups They have Sig track posted all over the Internet so make sure you guys check This one out make sure you share my Awesome video leave me a comment and Then hop on over to Facebook and join Our group the name of our group it is Kiss that cubicle goodbye make sure guys That you follow us also on Facebook on Two chicks with the side hustle because Remember we're doing another giveaway Now if you're new here welcome we're Doing another giveaway over there so we

Got a lot of giveaways going on with our Two chicks brand so make sure you come Over there to Facebook follow us we're Trying to get to a hundred thousand Followers on that platform as well well I think we have about 50 something Thousand over on Facebook so make sure You come over there start sharing the Content tagging your friends your family Members or your enemies it does not Matter just tag somebody on the post we Do check the comments guys and we're Going to give away two additional laptop Computers brand new absolutely free to You guys we even pay for the shipping You guys will never pay for anything if We're giving it away on this channel Make sure you check us out on Instagram We have another giveaway going on on Instagram guys it is two chicks with a Side hustle you can tag you can create Stories you can share our stories put us In some of you guys's stories and some Of those funny reels that I watch over There on that platform again it is two Chicks with the side hustle my name is Carl I'll catch you wonderful lovely Amazing people in the next video Bye YouTube

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