NATIONWIDE & VERY LITTLE TALKING! $19-$21 Hourly Full Time Work From Home Job

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Foreign Welcome back I hope everybody's doing Good today I'm doing great and you Already know I'm back bringing you guys Another job today and this one right Here is coming from the company Sterling If you haven't heard of sterling Sterling is the company that provides The background checks for employers so We're gonna go ahead and get into a job Today and this is going to be their Document review admin job so again make Sure you check their career section see What other jobs they have there may be Something else that better suits you so Let's go ahead and get straight into the Details this job is going to require Very little talking there will be some Talking but very little most of your job Is going to be document review you will Be the dedicated point of contact for Reviewing occupational health Documentation and ensuring that proper Action is taken based on client specific Requirements so you're going to be Examining and cross-referencing Candidate proof documentation against Client rules and examining and Cross-referencing candidate lab results Scores against client rules you will Quality check data to ensure the Client's specific standards are met and You must be able to identify when Something is not clear or understood and

Be comfortable stopping to ask questions And work toward the right solution you May need to interface with customers at Times to problem solve on documentation Concerns or client rule concerns and Ensure timely handling of all results Requiring review you must be comfortable Working against a service level Agreement expectation requiring the Action of work to be done within a Specified amount of time and of course You will be collaborating in a team Environment so you need to be reliable a Quick learner a self-starter a team Player undergraduate graduate or Equivalent years of experience customer Focused attitude client service and Support experience Advanced Microsoft Computer skills excellent communication Skills and also the ability to Prioritize tasks and respond and Escalate appropriately the job is going To pay between 38k and 4 42k a year and You're going to get benefits so if you Guys are interested in applying for this Job definitely check that link out in The description bar make sure to leave Any questions or any comments below and As usual thank you guys so much for Watching I'll see you in my next video And good luck to everyone who applies For the job

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